Thursday 5 October 2017


Intramurals 2017

Theme: Holie Ka.! Building Commuinities through Sports Activities

Image may contain: 8 people, people smiling, outdoor

       Intramurals was celebrated in 3 days from 27th-29th day of September.The said Intramural was held in Bacong Holy Family High School.Intramurals provides an opportunity for all students to enjoy satisfying experiences according to their particular needs; which vary from highly competitive to recreational.

       There are many Intramural sports a student can participate in, varying from the always popular and competitive flag to a more relaxed sport like volleyball, badminton, soccer, table tennis, futsal and basketball.

        Intramural sports will takes time from Wednesday - Friday and usually go from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. So if you have the time to play, maybe you should give it a shot. You may find it to be one of your best experiences while you are in high school.

         This year the recreational services department wants to appeal to everyone. they are going to try to have sports for students with disabilities so they too can have fun.

        Like most students that go out for intramural sports, many of them are excited to play if the're been a part of it in the past. As for the newcomers, they are not sure of what to really expect. 

         And in the last day of our intramurals in September 29,it was so tired but it was  very memorable and fun. We also have an Acoustic Band presentation in each year level. After that we have an awarding of the champions. And in that events we were so very happy and enjoy in joining the intramural sports games.

         Lastly thankz for reading and watching!!!

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